Becoming more sustainable: the mission of the countryside in Mexico
Regarding the T-MEC, which is expected to come into force in the second half of 2020, the head of the Sader (Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development), Víctor Manuel Villalobos, affirms that a before and after will be marked in the North American agricultural sector due to its environmental implications. Under the premise of a sustainable primary sector, the new Treaty provides for new disciplines emphasizing greater efficiency and rational use of land and water. It must be recognized that we have to be more efficient in converting natural resources into food and, above all, in the water footprint. In this regard, the country has a wide margin of improvement to cover, since, for example, the production of an apple requires 70 liters of water, while the technology now available allows the same apple to be produced in 35 liters, maintains the secretary. , who is an agronomist by profession.
Regarding the reality of climate change, the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada expresses the commitment of North American allies to implement sustainable agriculture, since, in the words of the secretary: We cannot continue increasing production at the expense of expanding the agricultural frontier. After the Mexican Senate ratified the latest version of the treaty in December, US President Donald Trump signed the legislation on January 30 to implement the T-MEC in the United States, leaving only Canada's legislative ratification. , which is expected in the coming weeks for the agreement to America Cell Phone Number List come into force in the second half of 2020. Meanwhile, the secretary affirmed that the meetings he has held with Sonny Perdue, his American counterpart, in order to specify the details of the implementation of the treaty as far as the agricultural sector is concerned, will continue. Now, in the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Sader de Villalobos has dealt with important cuts, which is why the subsidies that the secretariat granted to the countryside have been reduced. Even so, the secretary affirms that a larger budget does not necessarily translate into better results, which was demonstrated when Mexico once again broke its record in agri-food exports and with the increase in GDP in the primary sector growing.
While the national GDP it contracted 0.1%. He highlighted that the relationship with the business community in the sector is good, because the producers understand that the practices with which the government subsidized agriculture are no longer occurring and they are understanding that now there is a new way of operating, so they are promoting a more competitive agriculture and not necessarily supported by government subsidies. Even so, it was assured that not only will there be more investment in agriculture, but that capital spending will reach regions in which little has been invested, that is, the south of the country. Traditionally, investment has been concentrated in the northern region, where capital is abundant, but there is a lack of land, water and labor, the latter being satisfied by migrants from the south. The new plan is to take this investment to the south, where there is water, people, suitable surfaces and soils.