The only times where you do need the comma after
clauses are independent or dependent, and how this has informedthe comma usage. • The bakery is far away but sells amazing cookies. • Thebakery is far away, but it sells amazing cookies. • Julia went to the postoffice, but she forgot to take her shopping list. • Julia went to the postoffice but forgot her shopping list. • Learning punctuation rules is a tediousexperience, but it improves your writing. • Learning punctuation rules is atedious but worthwhile experience. It’s worth noting that this same ruleapplies to all other coordinating conjunctions; For And Nor But Or Yet So. Allyou need to do is remember the handy acronym FANBOYS. Do You Need a Comma After But? Most of the time, you don’t need a Chinese Thailand Phone Number List commaafter “but”—including when you start a sentence with it. For example: But itdoesn’t have to be so difficult. There is no need for a comma here. However,there is an exception to this… Comma Usage With Interrupters“but” are when it is immediately followed byan extra word or phrase. Here is an example: But, of course, it doesn’t have tobe so difficult. Here, “of course” is what’s known as an interrupter—an extrasubordinate clause that interrupts the flow of the main clause and so needs to beseparated off using a pair commas. The same rule applies when “but” does not begin thesentence: Learning grammar is important, but, of course, it doesn’t have to bedifficult. In other cases, the interrupting clause works like an adverb to addadditional meaning to the main clause that follows it. It’s often known as anintroductory phrase or introductory word. Here are some more examples of these:But, from the beginning, he was the best member of the team. But, naturally, Iforgot all the grammar rules after learning them. 3 quick tips for rememberingif you need a comma before or after but To summarize, if you’re unsure is asentence with "but" needs a comma