Knowing the number of new backlinks
To your site is relevant information for evaluating your link building efforts. If you have new sites linking to your content and a strong link profile, it means your current strategy is working. Screenshot of Backlinks Analytics from SEMrush Page speed Page load speed is an important element that affects most other metrics. This study by Portent found that when you increase your site loading speed from two seconds to one second, your earnings per page view double.Page speed is not Costa Rica Phone Number List only an important factor in your website's ranking: it also impacts your conversion and bounce rates. The latest industry benchmarks for page load speed show a strong correlation between fast websites and low bounce rates. They show that the longer the loading time of a page, the greater the risk that the Internet user leaves your site. A load time of 10 seconds results in an increase in bounce rate of approximately 120%. Analyze your website using Google's PageSpeed Insights .
Software to find out your load time score. A 100% score is fast. A score of 90% or higher, but not 100%, is considered good. If you scored between 50 and 90%, this score needs improvement. A score of 50% or less is considered poor. Time spent on page This performance metric helps determine how well your content meets user intent. When someone types a keyword into Google looking for a specific product, service, or information, then lands on your page and spends a lot of time there, it means your site.