Ethiopia's strengths for investment
For the last 10 consecutive years, Ethiopia has been identified as one of the world's fastest growing economies.
In the last decade, it has achieved consecutive positive GDP growth records above 10.5% and is expected to maintain this pace in the next 3 years.
The country has made significant progress towards achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals.
The proportion of the population living below the poverty line in Ethiopia fell from more than 44% in 2000 to 30% in 2010.
The impressive performance of local and foreign direct investment in recent years began in a very stable manner.
From 2009 to 2013, Ethiopia recorded a positive growth trend in local savings with a tremendous boost from 5.2% to 17.7% of GDP.
The high level of economic Ecuador Mobile Number List growth, the provision of better infrastructure, the successive growth in the size of the markets and the openness by the Government towards foreign direct investment contributed to finding high-level investors heading to Ethiopia in recent years.
Foreign direct investment inflow into Ethiopia showed growth of over 12% annually, a fact that can be attributed to the favorable investment climate in the country.
There are 34 public and 4 private universities in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University is the oldest and most important in the country, followed by Jimma University, Haramaya University, Gonder University, Mekele University, Bahr Dar University and Adama University of Science and Technology.
Schooling has grown over the last 5 years at all levels of education.
Attractions for FDI
Political and Social Stability
Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa, and is among the most stable in the region.
The 2012 transition to a new Prime Minister is evidence of the stability of Ethiopia's party political system and parliamentary form of government.
Corruption is not tolerated, and is listed in 34th place in the global competitiveness report regarding impartiality of public decisions.
Growing economy
Ethiopia has grown at an average of 10% since 2010. In 2012, Ethiopia was the 12th fastest growing economy in the world, managing to grow faster than other African countries such as Rwanda, Mozambique, Zambia and Ghana, and faster than China and India .
Growth forecasts of more than 7% from the International Monetary Fund and the African Development Bank place Ethiopia among the world leaders in above-average growth.
Excellent climate and fertile soils
Ethiopia is the 27th largest country in the world in terms of land size and, given its topographical diversity and geographical location, it is suitable for the production of some of the most desired food crops: cereals, legumes, oilseeds, a wide range of fruits and vegetables, coffee, tobacco, sugar cane, tea and spices, among others.
Thanks to its fertile soils, Ethiopia is among the world's largest producers of coffee, and is the 3rd largest producer of Arabica beans in the world.
Strong guarantees and protection
Private property is protected by the Constitution and the investment law.
A foreign investor has the right to issue remittances outside Ethiopia in convertible foreign currency at the prevailing exchange rate.
Ethiopia is a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, an entity affiliated with the World Bank that issues guarantees against non-commercial risks.
Abundant and affordable work
Ethiopia's labor law, which regulates the worker-employer relationship, is aligned with international conventions.
With more than 50 million workers, Ethiopia has the second largest workforce in Africa.
The country's minimum wage is among the lowest in Africa, with only 5 nations (Burundi, Uganda, Egypt, Gambia and Malawi) with lower minimum wages.
Regional hub with access to a wide market
With a population of approximately 100 million and a rapidly growing middle class, Ethiopia is Africa's second largest market, and is also part of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
Addis Ababa has emerged as a regional hub and is the headquarters of key international organizations such as the African Union and the Economic Commission for Africa (CEPA).
Improving economic infrastructure
Energy production has grown slowly over the last 10 years.
Ethiopia has the second largest hydroelectric potential in Africa, and the country's installed electrical capacities are set to generate 10,000MW.