So that friends like you who are looking for ways to earn real money without needing capital can learn SEO and build a good future for themselves and their families! Click on the link below and enter the Telegram channel of the free course and watch the tutorials! Free registration and membership in the course channe 1. Making money through SEO Earn money through SEO Earn money through SEO If we want to look at the idea of SEO in terms of income,
we can definitely say that SEO is a few steps higher than other ideas. SEO is considered one of the best modern businesses that if you have implemented the SEO steps well, it can bring you billions of income per month. SEO is actually a series of activities that you should Brazil Phone Number Data do on your own site; When this happens, search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. will trust your site and show you higher in their search engine results. Suppose, for example, if you operate in the field of " Buying Adidas shoes " and you have implemented SEO training steps well on your site, every person who searches for the word "Buying Adidas shoes" in Google will come across your site.
If the same thing happens, you can earn at least several million Tomans daily. I use you as an example; When you search for something on Google, what percentage are you likely to go to the second page? Most of the time, you will find what you want on the first page, and if this does not happen, you will probably search for another word and not go to the second page of Google. All efforts in SEO are for the same purpose, so that your site reaches the first page of Google; Reaching the first page of Google increases visits, which increases sales. Of course, before doing the SEO steps, you need to set up a site for yourself first, and you can follow the site steps from the WordPress tutorial page. 2. Cosmetics store Cosmetics store Cosmetics store From the past until now, not only the sale of cosmetics has not decreased; but every day it becomes more popular than the previous day.